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Corda Connect: “An extra pair of eyes surveys Corda Campus”

17 January 2021


They’ve proven their worth during the pandemic by automatically counting visitors to large shops or museums, to name but two examples. But even before that, Pixelvision made a name for itself by using camera technology to extract useful information from images. Nick Koopmans explains why his growth company feels right at home at Corda.

An all-seeing eye that captures data from video images or photographs. It’s straight out of science fiction, isn’t it?

“No, for us it’s technology that we’re working on every day at Pixelvision,” says Nick Koopmans. “We extract data from images using computer algorithms, with a focus on detecting and tracking objects. Our Tally product, for example, records visitor flows at retailers or at events. We also help towns and cities map traffic so they can adapt the infrastructure if necessary. And whatever it is you need to know – we also build custom projects, especially for industrial applications. Who are our clients? Well, we’re proud to do some name-dropping – Nespresso, Petronas, Alcon and many others”

Where will we be caught on camera if we come to visit you at Corda?

“Pixelvision has an office in Corda A, the building with all the interesting companies! If you want to discover something new, you need to open every door here. Shall I give you a tip? Our neighbour Digiflow3D specialises in 3D-printing of teeth. They’re worth a visit!

Is Pixelvision an odd man out round here, or do you thrive in the community?

“The interaction with other companies on campus is excellent. We do business with many of them. And it goes both ways. That makes sense because when you meet a lot of people, you get to know what each other does and business flows from that. Although we’re not meeting many at the moment because of the coronavirus measures.”

Do you grab a snack or a drink with your fellow entrepreneurs?

“Yes, we lose a lot of time like that. I think we should organise a big festival on campus, so that we can meet old acquaintances and new in as short a time as possible.”

Won’t you eventually get lost among all those people when it’s a ‘full house’ at Corda?

“No, I think we can happily add a few more buildings. The more the merrier. Incidentally, the most recent buildings are worth seeing. I love the design of the various blocks with their pitched roofs. I always find it impressive sitting in the courtyard and watching the flow of people heading for their offices. In particular, the mix of large, medium-sized and small companies adds value and makes the concept interesting”

Do you have any suggestions that would really finish the Campus off?

“It’s already quite well equipped, with a variety of facilities. But yes, I’d like to see a sports hall.”

So we won’t see Pixelvision moving any time soon?

“No. But if Corda wants to build a similar campus somewhere abroad, maybe we could open another branch there? We can be ambitious, right? Pixelvision North America, that doesn’t sound bad, does it (laughs).”