Corda Campus is part of a bigger network:

Sector: Drone-industrie
Sector: Health & Care sector
Corda Incubator
Sector: Technologie- en servicessector
C-mine Crib
Sector: Creatieve en innovatieve business
Sector: Smart energy
Sector: Circulaire economie
Sector: Land- en tuinbouw


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Where innovation meets excellence

Corda INCubator is the place to be for any startup.

Find your ideal workspace

Find out how in 5 easy steps


Find your ideal workspace

Find out how in 5 easy steps


Startup looking for a home? Corda INCubator: check Startup looking for a home? Corda INCubator: check

Are you a young, innovative entrepreneur looking to make your mark on the market? Then you’ve come to the right place at Corda INCubator. Located on the Corda Campus, a pioneering international campus focusing on technology, high-tech, ICT and media, you’ll be well placed to launch your startup. We’re saving a space for you!

The perfect place for startups

The Corda INCubator is the beating heart of companies that like to work flexibly. From startup to scale-up and corporates, you’ll be at the heart of everything. The Corda INCubator is a testbed where you’re allowed to crash into the (figurative) wall. Where one failure is followed by two successes and where we’re all pulling together. Be a part of it.

Choose your seat

Choose from various configurations in the Corda INCubator. From permanent or flexible seats in our coworking space to an office of your own. Fully equipped with everything you need and flexible rental options.

Unique benefits

In addition to your own workspace, you can also use our meeting rooms, pitch room, focus zone, communal kitchen and recording studio. And all in a bustling, industrial setting!


Take advantage of the valuable network that is the Corda Community. Come into contact with other startups and large corporates, get support from the Limburg Startup partners and take part in a host of workshops and training courses You’re not alone, we’ll help you grow!