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Webinar Corda Shares Expertise #3: “How do you, as a company, make a difference on social media”?

20 May 2020

Leading lady & social media expert, Laurien Celis, of the social media performance agency, Blue Zoo, will give you a social media session to remember.

28 May 2020 09:30 - 10:30
28 May 2020 09:30 - 10:30

We hear it on a weekly basis: ‘Yes, we are very active on social media, but with little effect…’ or ‘social media, that’s not our thing’, or another one: ‘we want to be active, but we don’t know how to do it…’ Do you recognize it? Come again, because social media expert, Laurien Celis, will give you lots of tips and tricks on 28 May during our third Corda Shares Expertise to get the most out of your social media presence.

Whether you’re a start-up, scale-up or major corporate player, your company can make a difference on social media. With customers such as Q8, Barco or Dash, the social media performance agency Blue Zoo knows better than anyone what it’s like to make companies attractive and interesting on social media. You will find out exactly how to do that on 28 May at 9.30 a.m.: the digital way of course, what else!

Waar, wanneer en voor wie?

Nestel je comfortabel voor je computer op 28 mei om 9u30. Iedereen die na een interactief uurtje met een aantal quick wins aan de slag wil gaan om de aanwezigheid van haar of zijn bedrijf te vergroten, is welkom. Wat mag je verwachten? Een boeiende en interessante sessies met tips en tricks die je meteen kan gebruiken. Totally free, maar inschrijven is wel nodig.

Where, when and for whom?

Go and sit in a comfortable spot in front of your computer on May 28th at 9.30 am. Everyyone who wants to increase the presence of his company after an interactive hour with a number of quick wins, is welcome! What can you expect? A fascinating and interesting session with tips and tricks that you can use right away. Totally free, but registration is necessary.

Register here.